Did someone call for a Doctor?
I am a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. I started watching the show whilst it was in its second season. I got out season one and was hooked. Season two was amazing and then there was the dramatic but entertaining season three. The script was so well written and the characters were so interesting it was hard not to love them.
Like any Grey's fan I was anticipating season 4. What was going to happen to Christina? Where did Burke go? Are Meredith and Derek ever going to figure it out? I loved the cast that existed. I was angry that Isaiah had to go and screw it up with his ignorant comments, but I thought it would be ok. Then Addison had to go to LA for her own show so new characters were added. I saw the promos for season 4 and I was expecting the same magic as the other 3 seasons....
The cast of season 4
...I was disappointed! First episode, where's Ava? We just get one sentence about her moving away. Meredith and Derek? Yawn, same boring problems, same boring conversations. Christina? Ok, I can't really say anything bad cos I think the character's great and Sandra Oh is amazing. Then there's the whole Callie/George/Izzie love triangle. I don't know how other fans feel about it but I am so not a George with Izzie fan. I liked Izzie and Denny and I think her character suits a man more like him. The Actress who plays Izzie, Kathrine Heigl, said recently that she's finding it difficult to connect with Izzie, and who can blame her, it's like the characters of Grey's Anatomy took a break over summer and came back lamer versions of themselves.
Better Times
I don't want you to get the feeling that I can't adjust to change, I can, as long as that change is for the better. The new character of Lexie is a nice addition but they need to speed up some kind of storyline with her. We're half way through season 4 and so far a whole lot of nothing has happened. Now there's a new nurse who's supposed to come in between Mer/Der. I just don't want that relationship to become like the Ross/Rachel relationship on 'Friends'. Can't they just be happy, Meredith can stop whining about her oh so sad life and we can focus on more interesting characters. I would love to see more about Christina, Callie, Bailey and practically anyone else that isn't going to whine for 3/4 of the show and then end up in the same place as every other episode.
ahhh that's better, now let's all move on
I don't hate the character of Meredith, I think there's a lot there and with a good storyline she could be great. It's just that this whole season she's been so confused and weak and annoying. I love this show and I will continue to watch it and support it. I just hope that the writers will come back from the strike with a new look on life and will bring the show back, otherwise it's going to flatline and not even McDreamy will be able to save it.
I'd love to know what other Grey's fans think....how are you finding this season?