Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is it the end?

What Happened to Hollywood?

Could someone please get Beyonce off the red carpet and back into a studio!
The Golden Globes were last night and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed. To begin with the ceremony was flat, blah, lacking. There was nothing extraordinary, or even slightly above ordinary. Hardly any jokes, no drunken speeches, and dare I say it a room full of boring people, not bright shining Hollywood stars. Bring back the era when being a star actually meant something. Now let's take the above picture of Beyonce. I'm full of words. This is a celebration for actors Beyonce, why are you there? Ok, sure, you were in Dreamgirls and oh we know you can sing, but seriously, look at you! Take that gold from your dress and try turn it into some golden records but please keep away from the Golden Globes (and every other golden statue desginated for actors)

A true beauty

However there were still a few glints of stardom lurking. Look at Jennifer Hudson. Truly a beauty. She may not fit into Hollywoods sick twisted idea of a "real women" but she's possibly the most "real" woman I've seen on a red carpet. Congratulations Jennifer on your win. I hope that you continue in film and music so that society can finally see beyond the plastic.

There ain't nothing ugly about this

America Ferrera was another natural beauty at the Globes. Her speech was an inspiration to many women out there and I hope to hear many more of them in the future. Overall I think that the Golden Globes and Hollywood in general needs aid from the Grey's Anatomy team (I think we may need a triple bag blood transfusion) The films I've seen lately have been nothing worth mentioning. I waited in anticipation for "Children of Men" only to be disappointed. And If I hear about another remake of Pirates of the Carribean or some Japanese horror film I think I may just have to throw the tv out the window. Where has originality gone? The last good original film I saw was "Good Night and Good Luck" but I just don't think it's fair of us to bank on George Clooney to make the only good films in hollywood. There's got to be something more, someone has to save hollywood, or is it too late?

Is this the end of Hollywood?


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Wanderlusting said...

Yes it is the end of Hollywood...though I would love to depend on The Cloon for everything.

Kelly it's up to you to save it!

Did u hear Evagangeline Lilly might quit Lost because she is sick of the fame and how twisted hollywood is? Good for her!

Anyways, as for Beyonce, FUCK she pisses me off now. You are right, stop pretending to be a movie star (u aint no Jen Hudson) and do what you were good at...being bootylicious.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger almost famous kiwi said...

You're right, it's up to me...and George. oh could you imagine me and George together on the silver screen, how lovely!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger asdfasdf said...

Okay ladies, sorry I gotta interrupt the Clooney drool session here!
That picture of Beyonce looks like she has her hand behind her neck because she is trying to keep her dress from falling off lol.
Anyways, I didn't watch the Golden Globes...I never do but I am pretty disappointed with Hollywood lately....independent, small budget films are where its at nowadays.
By the way, Karina, who the hell is Evagangeline Lilly?!


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