Can I say love? hmmmm I think so. Ok, I must have been the first sceptic when I heard that Daniel Craig was going to be playing Bond. It's just that Bond has always been so suave and handsome and well I'll admit that I didn't find that when I saw a picture of Daniel.
But Oh have I changed my mind. Alex and I went to see the movie the other day and it was nothing short of awesome. I think I can say, oh god I'm going to say it, that was the best Bond film I've ever seen! (She said it, gasp)
Room for me?
He made Bond so natural and so real that you really get into the story. Most Bond films are just an action packed thrill ride but this one had heart. There's still lots of action but they got rid of all those ridiculous gadgets that Bond used to carry around (that's not just toothpaste is it?) I remember thinking that Bond can't be Bond without the gadgets and the martinis, but it wasn't until the end of the film that I realised there hadn't really been any. For the first time Bond got sweaty, bloody and oh so damn sexy.
If you haven't already seen it, go! Right now! Stop reading this and Go! Just kidding, finish this, leave a comment and then go. I was just reading an article about Judi Dench and she said that she caught a glimpse into Daniels trailer and saw, well....quite alot. Her comment: It's a Monster. Oh yes!