The Gut Girls
Im working as a production assistant on the Concordia University production of "Gut Girls" which is the story of 5 girls who work in the gutting sheds back in the 1800s. Its a great production and I'm learning alot about the behind the scenes of showbiz, like how much I can score in Family feud on the computer....sadly not much because the Americans are so limited with their words, I wrote the word cleaner and got it wrong cos it was supposed to be Janitor, geez! Show biz is tough.
I love being back in the theatre though, God I missed that smell! I can't wait to get back on stage again! I'm meeting alot of people who are wanting to start up their own companies so hopefullyI can get in one of those....hmmm I should probably check with my agent, sometimes you arent allowed to work for anyone else in the industry. I'm going to take some pics this week of the actors etc so watch this space.
Where are the pictures?
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